Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Marching into Spring with Bugaboo

 Hi everyone and welcome to another challenge here at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2

 We hope that you are all safe and well in these difficult times for our world.

Thank you for all the wonderful entries last month, it was so hard to choose the winner and Top 3 but it was a nice problem to have.

This month we are sponsored by the lovely Jodie at

Bugaboo Stamps
Jodie's Bio
Everything that you ever wanted to know about Bugaboo Stamps:  As if raising 5 children in the frozen land of the North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the work of paper crafting by opening an online store full of her illustrations. Bugaboo Stamps has become one of the leading companies in digital images. From seriously snarky to sugary sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that you need and more to create your paper projects.  Jodie works very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every week!!  If your taste runs to rubber (and you know who you are), you can find Bugaboo Stamps at Totally Stampilicious.  And finally, join the Bugaboo Stamps DT for the weekly Challenges at Catch the Bug.

Our lucky winner will receive

We have 2 more fabulous sketches from Kathie this month.

Sketch 202 

and Sketch 203

and here is the DT inspiration

Kathie using Floral Wreath


One image from the Floral Trio Frame

Kelly using Tulip Bunny

and Anne using 


We look forward to seeing what you come up with this month and thank you for your continued support

Anne and the SSW2 team


  1. I have just entered a card using Sketch #203 and hope to be back with one using #202 as well.

    1. Thank you Suze, looking forward to seeing what you create next x

    2. Just entered a fourth card and discovered I can't count! Entry #16 should be my third entry not my second (that is #9).

  2. Lovely inspiration! I can see spring is on its way in the Northern Hemisphere!
    Hugs from Africa!

  3. Hi, was wondering who won Challenge #200? Winner's information is missing in the post. Thank you!

    1. Hi Wendy, Now updated, thank you for letting us know
      Best wishes Anne

  4. Merci pour ces deux jolies propositions; bravo à la DT pour les jolies cartes.
    Beau printemps à chacune
    xx Cath

    1. Merci beaucoup Cath et aussi a vous
      Anne xx
